
I'm Ashutosh Pandey, thanks for checking out my website!

I'm currently a front-end engineer at Remote. I enjoy working on React and all things JavaScript/TypeScript and am a big believer in the functional programming paradigm — lately, I've been interested in learning Elixir.

I'm a self-taught developer with a degree in CSE from ABESIT, Ghaziabad (psst, my alma mater's was the first big website I worked on!). I've been fascinated by computers and the internet from around 8th grade when I used Google for the first time.

In the past, I've worked extensively with Python and the Google Cloud Platform, and been responsible for python and UI rewrites. I've continued working with React and TypeScript since then and love the experiece, along with a bunch of other tooling — I firmly believe in developer tooling which allows one to become a 1.1x developer . 😉

Outside of the world of programming, I am also a quizzer and was the lead at my college's Quiz Club. Having played a lot of CS in my childhood and college, I also love following the CS:GO esports scene. I enjoy using mechanical keyboards and lurk r/mk pretty much daily. I enjoy just about all genres of music and podcasts and I'm always looking for more ways to consume information from around the world.